Enterprise Agreement (EA)

EA Event Timeline

  • 11th April, 2021

    The Australian Federal Police Executive Level Enterprise Agreement 2019 – 2021 passed its Nominal Expiry date.

  • 24th May, 2021

    The Australian Federal Police Enterprise Agreement 2017 – 2020 passed its Nominal Expiry date.

  • 2nd September, 2023

    The AFPA issued a demand notice on the AFP requiring them to commence bargaining pursuant to s17374(2A) of the Fair Work Act 2009.

  • 15th September, 2023

    The AFP issued a Notice Of Employee Representational Rights to all employees covered by the proposed agreement.

  • 26th September, 2023

    Bargaining commenced on 26 September 2023, and 6 meetings were held up to 31 October 2023, after which the AFP suspended bargaining until 6 February 2024.

  • 3rd November, 2023

    The AFPA submitted its log of claims for the new Enterprise Agreement to the AFP.
    On 6 February 2024 bargaining meetings recommenced.

  • 6th February, 2024

    Bargaining meetings recommenced.

  • 14th February, 2024

    The AFPA filed an application for Protected Industrial Action in the
    Fair Work Commission.

  • 20th February, 2024

    The AFPA attended a Protected Action Ballot hearing in the Fair Work Commission.

  • 21st February, 2024

    The Fair Work Commission issued a Protected Action Ballot Order, allowing the AFPA’s members to vote on protected industrial action.

  • 8th March, 2024

    The results for the ballot were declared, with 96.7% of those who voted voting in favour of Protected Industrial Action.

  • 5th July, 2024

    The AFPA filed a second application for Protected Industrial Action in the Fair Work Commission, which was unopposed by the AFP. And the Fair Work Commission issued a Protected Action Ballot Order, allowing the AFPA’s members to vote on protected industrial action.

  • 23rd July, 2024

    The results for the ballot were declared, with 96.8% of those who voted voting in favour of Protected Industrial Action.

  • 27th and 28th August, 2024

    AFPA members walked off the job at Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Darwin, and Perth airports, and stations in the ACT for the first time in the AFP’s history.

  • 11th September, 2024

    AFPA members once again walked off the job at Parliament House and stations in the ACT.

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