Vote YES to new proposed Protected Industrial Actions.

10 July 2024

All members,
Please see the latest video message from President Alex Caruana at, providing an update on the AFPA’s Protected Industrial Action (PIA):

  • The AFPA has lodged a new application with the Fair Work Commission. This application has been approved by the FWC.
  • The application outlines new actions for AFPA members to take, notably around work stoppages for up to one shift in duration, and indefinite or periodic bans on participation in patrols for specified periods, in specified locations.
  • The FWC will now ask all eligible AFPA members to vote on this Protected Action Ballot Order (PABO). The vote will be conducted by the AFP’s nominated ballot agent.

Some members will have already been contacted by the AFP’s balloting agent. In order for the PABO to be successful, and for the above industrial actions to become protected, it is imperative that the majority of AFPA members vote YES. If the PABO is voted up by the membership, the AFPA would be bound by the same arrangements as last time, where advance notification of PIA commencing was provided to the AFP by the AFPA.

It is imperative that members do not commence any new actions (which at this stage would be unprotected by legislation) yet.

Members must continue to follow the directions contained on the AFPA’s PIA information page at Members must not commence any action(s) which are not included and marked in either green or amber on this page. For those actions marked in amber, members must firstly be contacted by the AFPA before being able to commence the actions.

In the current environment of ongoing PIA and EA negotiation, it is obviously crucial that the AFPA is able to contact you as soon as possible. If you have not already done so, we request that all members nominate a non-AFP email address as the primary method for the AFPA to contact you. Updating your email address can either be done on the AFPA site at or via email at .

All members,
Please see the latest video message from President Alex Caruana at, providing an update on the AFPA’s Protected Industrial Action (PIA):

  • The AFPA has lodged a new application with the Fair Work Commission. This application has been approved by the FWC.
  • The application outlines new actions for AFPA members to take, notably around work stoppages for up to one shift in duration, and indefinite or periodic bans on participation in patrols for specified periods, in specified locations.
  • The FWC will now ask all eligible AFPA members to vote on this Protected Action Ballot Order (PABO). The vote will be conducted by the AFP’s nominated ballot agent.

Some members will have already been contacted by the AFP’s balloting agent. In order for the PABO to be successful, and for the above industrial actions to become protected, it is imperative that the majority of AFPA members vote YES. If the PABO is voted up by the membership, the AFPA would be bound by the same arrangements as last time, where advance notification of PIA commencing was provided to the AFP by the AFPA.

It is imperative that members do not commence any new actions (which at this stage would be unprotected by legislation) yet.

Members must continue to follow the directions contained on the AFPA’s PIA information page at Members must not commence any action(s) which are not included and marked in either green or amber on this page. For those actions marked in amber, members must firstly be contacted by the AFPA before being able to commence the actions.

In the current environment of ongoing PIA and EA negotiation, it is obviously crucial that the AFPA is able to contact you as soon as possible. If you have not already done so, we request that all members nominate a non-AFP email address as the primary method for the AFPA to contact you. Updating your email address can either be done on the AFPA site at or via email at .

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