AFP Blue Card
As you’ll be aware, the AFPA has been campaigning for a long time in relation to better Comcare outcomes for our members. This includes presumptive legislation, the introduction of an AFP Blue Card and seeking legislative amendments so members don’t lose money while they are recovering from their injuries.
In the current term of government, we’ve seen the introduction of presumptive legislation for mental health injuries. This is a huge win and will go a long way towards making sure members get immediate treatment for psychological injuries they sustain in the course of their duties. We believe that Comcare should and could do more!
Recently the Government announced a comprehensive review of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (Cth) (SRC Act). This act underpins the Comcare workers compensation scheme and has not been reviewed since 2013, while also not been subject to major reforms since 1988. You can read the announcement here:
There are many unjust and unfair aspects of the Comcare scheme and SRC Act that we want to bring to the panel’s attention, such as:
- Removal of the step-down provisions that see people with an accepted claim receive a 25% wage cut after 45 weeks on Comcare.
- The introduction of an appeal or review mechanism if the 45-week step-down provision isn’t removed.
- Members are being forced to cover rehabilitation costs from their own pocket.
- Members are being forced to ‘doctor shop’ to find cheaper surgery options.
- Excessive and complicated paperwork
- Claims declined due to ‘administration purposes’.

The AFPA, with support from the Police Federation of Australia will be making a substantial submission. To ensure a quality and informative submission, we need your help. We are asking all members who have an experience, either good or bad to record their experience so it can be included in the AFPA submission.
It’s critical that your voice is heard. For too long AFP members have struggled in the Comcare environment, with members often left behind, frustrated and traumatised by the experience. We also know that the process can be combative and lengthy in nature.
If you like to tell us your story, the details can be entered below. You can choose to be anonymous, or have your details included. If you’d like to be identified, there is a possibility for you to appear as a witness during the public hearings. Either way, the AFPA will support you and get your story across.
If you’d like further information about the review, please don’t hesitate to contact the AFPA via